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April 11-13, 2019 - LCCA 2018 York Train Show, York, PA

The Lionel Collector Club of America invites you to join the Kids' Creek Railroad (KCRR), the East Carolina Railroader (ECRR), and Kids Run Trains (KRT) at Eastern TCA Division's York Train Show as they share their kid-friendly and interactive railroad with the public.  Setup on the promenade of the Orange Hall, the LCCA FasTrack Modular Railroad has become one of the highlights of the Eastern Division's York Train Show.


This will be a great opportunity to meet David Bjorkman [ECRR], Andy Vasquez [KRT], and Kevin Davis, the LCCA/ Lionel FMRR Coordinator.  As always these three are looking to educate LCCA members and the general public on FasTrack Modular Railroading System.  So please stop by, say hello, and don't forget to bring your favorite locomotive.


If you have any questions please contact Kevin Davis at