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Presentation by Tim Fuhrmann (RM25937) 2022 Nashville Convention Volunteer Coordinator at the August 7, 2021 LCCA Virtual Business Meeting.

Hello everyone.  My name is Tim and I’m the Convention Volunteer Coordinator for our LCCA Nashville Convention in July, 2022.  I welcome all our new members who will attend as well as our regular membership.  As our leadership members have already indicated, this shapes up to be a fantastic convention with a beautiful location and exciting tours planned.  

We are going to need your help and assistance in order to make the Nashville Convention a true success.  We strongly encourage you to get involved and volunteer, for one or more of our 15 or so volunteer positions.  These include bus captains, ticket takers, security, and banquet set up workers to name a few.  I anticipate we will need about 60 to 70 volunteers throughout the course of the week.  I will hold a meeting to discuss job assignments and other information useful to all our volunteers.  The time and date of this one hour meeting to be determined.

We want our new members, who have either just signed up, or if it’s your first convention with the LCCA, to come forward and lend a helping hand.  This is a wonderful way to meet new folks and develop long-lasting relationships.  Believe me, this will truly be rewarding and fun!  If you’re interested, please contact me at:  I’ll be happy to put your name on our master list.  Please include your full name, email address, and cell phone number if you have one.

For our “seasoned staff” members and leadership team, If you have received an email from me in the past, I already have you down on my master list.  No need at this time to contact me.  However, if you won’t be able to join us for Nashville, please let me know and I’ll take you off the list.  If you will be attending and choose not to volunteer, please inform me.  If in doubt, email me and I’ll make sure you are current on my list.  Also, if your email address or cell phone number has changed, please contact me with the correct information.  I appreciate it.

Sometime in February of 2022, after The Lion Roars magazine comes out with all the tours and information, to sign up for the convention, I’ll send everyone who has expressed interest in helping out, an email.  In this email, I’ll ask you to send me the tour name, time, and dates of your scheduled tours so we can plan around your schedule.  This will also apply to our volunteer friends who will be selling in the trading hall.  Let me know if you will be selling train items so I don’t schedule you during the trading show.  

In the month of June, 2022, I’ll send out to every LCCA volunteer, a “2022 LCCA Convention Volunteer Work Schedule”, for Nashville.  I’ll do this via an email attachment.  This way you’ll have a listing of all the volunteer tasks assigned, times needed to work, and who the scheduled volunteer worker is.

Ok, that does it for me for now.  Thank you in advance for those who will be helping out.  I look forward to meeting you all, and having you participate in this great train club of ours.

To view this segment as part of the entire August 7 LCCA Annual Business Meeting presentation live Click Here.