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Update on the 2012 LCCA Convention Car

Update on the 2012 LCCA Convention Car

This is a beautiful car - a tribute to not only the LCCA convention in Norfolk, but also to the men and women who serve in our various armed forces. The LCCA is making a $500.00 cash donation to the Wounded Warriors on behalf of our members. Although delayed, I am confident you will be proud to have purchased this car - destined to become an LCCA classic. more
Tinplate Set have all been shipped - 2012 Conv Car status

Tinplate Set have all been shipped - 2012 Conv Car status

The 2012 convention car has not yet been approved for production and is still delayed. See story for more information on this car. All tinplate sets have been shipped to members who had ordered them. more

TinPlate Set is now in the US - now shipping (updated 12/31)

The Fire Apple Red tinplate cars and engine sets are shipping as of Monday 12/31. As we shared earlier, the engines are already here, having arrived in a different container and different ship. The cars and engines are beng mated and packaged and shipping. more
The 2013 convention car and the Texas Special Add-on Cars

The 2013 convention car and the Texas Special Add-on Cars

The 2013 convention car and the Texas Special Add-on Cars are now available at the web store ( Be sure to check it out and the new Lionel sets which are being offered. more

Quartered Drivers on General Sets - The Facts

Every general in recent years has un-quartered drivers. Lionel has confirmed that the LCCA Generals should have un-quartered drivers. There has been some mis-information on this issue and this story clarifies that issue, more

Tinplate Set scheduled shipped before year end

The Tinplate Set is on the water and due in the US 12/24. The club will do its best to send them to you by year end. more

All Generals Have shipped - Rave Reviews for this Special set

All of the 150th Anniversary Generals have been shipped. If you ordered one, you should have received it by Monday 11/19! Great reviews, comments and testimonials from members! more

General "Crew Talk" update

Here is a short video showing the operation of the two different tenders from the new LCCA General set. As you can see, they both have standard dialog or "crew talk" and each has a unique whistle. more

Revised Tinplate Delivery Schedule

Sets to leave china on NOVEMBER 19th. hit customs DECEMBER 19TH should be out the door by the 22nd. Expect before year end. more

Sandy delays General Engine Shipments

150th Anniversary General engines are at the club's mailing facility in Pennsylvania. They are labeled and ready to ship. I know everybody has been waiting but nobody could anticipate Hurricane SANDY's devastation. I made the call to halt the shipments last week based on the weather reports. more