To better serve the ever-growing list of back issues of all our publications, the digital publications section of our website has been updated to include three new selections (Ives Trains, early American Flyer Trains, and later American Flyer S-gauge Trains) from the LCCA Historical Model Train Archive (formerly the HSL Suite of documents). Prior, all our digital publications and current Lionel catalogs were available for viewing on a single web page, making navigation strained. To better highlight the LCCA Historical Model Train Archive, a fourth page has been added to the digital publication portion of the web, that page containing all the various items in one location. Now, archives for our three LCCA publications (TLR, IT and Lion Cub) each have their own web page for the most current issue plus access to recent past issues. This allows for direct and easy navigation to the entire contents of the HSL material.
Of course, if you prefer, you can also access all four digital publication pages by first logging in and then going to the Member Links dropdown and click Digital Publications.