Publications News

LCCA Cost Control


LCCA Offsets Postal Cost Increases

In the last few years, postage rate increases have become more frequent and have increased the cost of business for all organizations, the LCCA being no exception with its almost 90,000 magazines and other pieces of mail per year to members. If left unchecked, these additional costs would lead to increases in annual dues with no increase in services or benefits. In an effort to offset these increases,

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Video Introduction to the Lionel Historical Model Train Archives

The LCCA Proudly Announces the formation of the LCCA Historical Model Train Archive and adds to it in December 2020 two new sections, one on Ives and one on Pre-war American Flyer. Here are two Videos, the first is the History of the HSL Digital Lionel Archives and the second a HOW TO to better utilize the LCCA Historical Model Train Archives on the LCCA site.

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LCCA website homepage

business Office

LCCA Launches New Website

The LCCA Announces the launch of a new website. See it live at

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Calling American Flyer, Ives and All Other Model Train Aficionados

Calling American Flyer, Ives and All Other Model Train Aficionados – LCCA Does it Again. and adds American Flyer and Ives information to its growing collection of digital archives. The American Flyer addition includes the “Chicago Era” Digital Archives and contains the American Flyer Catalogs before its sale to 1937 to A.C.Gilbert. The Guide to Ives Corporation Paper 1900-1932 reflects on 32 years of some of the most beautiful and durable toys and toy trains available from any company.

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Additions to the LCCA Website and Digital Archives

The LCCA website has been updated to make data easier to find and easier to use the LCCA Historical Model Train Archive (formerly HSL suite of magazines and catalogs).

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