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LCCA experiences Dues Increase - First in 6 Years! - 10

Jun 6, 2024, 23:12
As you know, these past months have been a tough time for our economy with rising inflation and the expenses related thereto. The LCCA has not been immune to these increases. In June of this year, I formed a committee consisting of myself, Past President Harry Hampson, President-Elect Mark Kempfer, and our Treasurer Don MacCormack, to review the club’s expenditures and our overall financial condition. What we found is all of our vendors have increased the cost of their services to the club.
Title : LCCA experiences Dues Increase - First in 6 Years! - 10
Sort Order : 1007

A Message from our President, Sal Gambino

As you know, these past months have been a tough time for our economy with rising inflation and the expenses related thereto.  The LCCA has not been immune to these increases.

In June of this year, I formed a committee consisting of myself, Past President Harry Hampson, President-Elect Mark Kempfer, and our Treasurer Don MacCormack, to review the club’s expenditures and our overall financial condition. What we found is all of our vendors have increased the cost of their services to the club.  Our financial team agreed that a dues increase would be needed to help offset the increases in our operating costs.

When the entire board met in Nashville, I presented the financial team’s findings to the board. This was followed by a motion to raise the annual dues for the various member categories.  The board unanimously supported the proposal.  Consequently, the following amounts will take effect on January 1, 2023.   
1. Dues will increase $4.00 with a regular membership going to $43.00 per annum.
2. Dues for our foreign members will increase $4.00 to $43.00 per annum (plus $14.00 postage surcharge).
3. The electronic members’ dues will increase $2.00 to $27.00 (worldwide) and the Kids Club membership will increase $2.00 to $27.00 per annum.

This is the club’s first dues increase in 6 years.  As we are aware, the club’s membership is its most valuable asset and with that in mind, I encourage all of you to help recruit new members and keep the LCCA “The Best Toy Train Club on the Planet!” ™

Sal Gambino, President Lionel Collectors Club of America
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