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December 11, 6:30PM - 9PM. McSpecial LCCA Charity Event for the Benefit of the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, at the Trains at NorthPark.

Lionel Collectors Club of America is back in Dallas again for an encore performance. The LCCA is hosting a family oriented, special charity event at the Trains at  Northpark layout and display in Dallas TX. A portion of the proceeds will go to the benefit of the Ronald McDonald house in Dallas.  This special event is a private event designated for LCCA members and their families only.  Tell your friends.  If they are not currently members of the LCCA, they can join the club at the door.  

Price of admission for members at the door is $6 per Adult.  Children will be admitted FREE!

This spectacular train layout and display was designed and built by TW Design of Dallas TX.  Come to this event and meet with layout creator Roger Farkash and the very talented members of TW Design team. 

LCCA raffle and door prizes will be available. 

Start your holiday season off with this festive charity event.  Spend an evening with fellow LCCA members and share in the experience of a fantastic Lionel layout. No waiting in long lines to enter the exhibit. This will be a private, intimate evening with LCCA members and the creative design team of TW Design.

Help the Dallas Ronald McDonald house and bring your kids and friends.  We look forward to seeing you again. 

If you have any questions, please contact Captain Bob Carter at or 972 523-6771