Earn 15 Minutes of Fame
When I’m asked, “How do I contribute an article to
The Lion Roars?” my radar locks on to an LCCA author in the making. I realize some club members may be reluctant to revisit long-suppressed memories of high school English class; i.e., writing an essay on an ersatz topic assigned by the teacher. However, sharing a story that you care about is completely different from a classroom exercise. Those who have a desire to share information as a how-to article, describe a family legacy about toy trains, or present the story of their own dream-come-true railroad with text and pictures are welcome in the “
TLR author’s stable.”
LCCA members can “send up a trial balloon” and test the reaction to your idea with an e-mail note or a brief letter to me. Someone else may be working on a similar story line, and you can avoid disappointment by inquiring before investing time and effort.
Several young authors have come forward to tell their story, and dads and moms often help them with the task. Seeing the result in print is a cause for celebration in families, and kids can rightfully be proud of earning a byline.
Here’s a Journalism 101 opportunity to all – submit your holiday-related toy train photo (or a hi-res (300 dpi) *.jpg file) with an appropriate descriptive caption by U.S. Mail or e-mail to me at:
Mike H. Mottler, Editor,
22 Water Oak Drive
Conway, AR 72034-3430
Earn your 15 minutes of fame! Yes, all photos will be returned unharmed.
by Mike H. Mottler RM 12394
The Lion Roars