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First Freeze Train Show & Swap Meet in Green Bay WI, 11-4-12.

LCCA member Bob Leonowicz (RM 30670) and the Northeastern Wisconsin O-Gaugers will host their third annual First Freeze Train Show and Swap Meet in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Sunday, November 4, 2012. more

The LCCA is back in Dallas TX on Halloween Weekend for "Toy Train Layout"

As part of the Lionel Collectors Club of America's (LCCA) Special Event program intended to reach out and touch our fellow members, the LCCA will be back in the Dallas Texas area on Saturday, October 27, 2012 to join in the fun at the “TrainWorx Train Layout Festival". more

LCCA will be at Trainfest - November 9, 10 and 11

The LCCA will again be at Trainfest in Milwaukee on the weekend of November 9, 10 and 11. If you plan on attending, stop by and say hello. more

Join the LCCA at this season's World's Greatest Hobby on Tour

LCCA will again have a booth at the World's Greatest Hobby on Tour for the 2013 season. We will be at all 4 of this year's events - focused in the Midwest and West Coast. more

LCCA's Special Event Day at Charlie Ro Malden, MA Sept 29 NOW MORE SPECIAL

The LCCA is proud to announce a Special Open House event at the home of LCCA member Marty Fitzhenry in Dedham MA on the evening of September 29,2012 starting at 7:00 PM following the LCCA Day at Charlie Ro's train store in Malden MA. This September 29th LCCA Special event even got to be more special now! LCCA Members and their families are invited to an open house event at Marty's home - (UPDATED 8/31) more

8-25-12 LCCA Special Event in North Tonawanda NY (Buffalo NY) Recap

On Saturday, August 25, 2012 the Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) went back to the Buffalo, NY area for an open house barbecue special event and home layout tour at Frank Battaglia's (RM 15408) residence located in North Tonawanda, NY. more

Christmas in Iowa - Special Event in Leland Iowa Dec 15

Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) members Bob Ver Hoef and Pam Richardson will host another FREE Christmas Season Open House event on Saturday, December 15, 2012, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST. more

8-18-12 Special Event at Lionel Service Facility in Canfield OH - Recap

It was a great day for the Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at Lionel's Open House event at their Customer Service Center in Canfield, Ohio (updated 8/23) more

LCCA at Lionel's Customer Service Center 2011 Open House Special Event

Last year in August of 2011, Lionel hosted an open house event at their customer service center in Canfield, Ohio. Here is a recap of that event. more

12-8-12 LCCA Open House in Lewisville North Carolina (near Winston-Salem)

Lionel Collectors Club of America Member Rich Dissosway (RM 28158) and his wife Kathy will be hosting a LCCA open house train party at their home in Lewisville, North Carolina (near Winston-Salem) on December 8, 2012 from 4:00 PM to Midnight. more