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Welcome to Lionel Collectors Club of America
The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) is home to one of the most prominent member organizations of model train collectors in the world. Our site offers news, photos, videos, and event information to all Lionel train enthusiasts, and our worldwide membership of nearly 10,000 members enjoys additional benefits, including an exclusive network to buy, sell, and trade Lionel model trains and other brands.
LCCA Announces New Lionel Legacy Offering for 2024 - The Classic NYC Hudson Lionel Celebrates its 125th Anniversary with an Exclusive LCCA VISIONLINE Hudson #5325! Engine Number 5325 is made exclusively for LCCA Members.
The LCCA brings the excitement and adventure of the doodlebug back with the introduction of doodlebugs heralded for the Alaska Railroad and in continuing livery for the LCCA of the Texas Special.
For experienced railroad buffs, there is no need to define a doodlebug as a self-contained rail passenger car with its own engine. It is a railroad’s equivalent to a street trolley, a single self-powered unit carrying passengers and freight. These strange creatures of the rails played an important role in transportation history, keeping rail passenger service alive in underserved communities for years.
NOTICE - The Alaska version of the Doodlebug sold out as of 1/12/2025
The 2025 Convention car has been announced as an animated giraffe car. This car has not been done in 20 years and this LCCA version has a new designed giraffe figure. This classic Stock Car is on its way to the zoo! On the way, the giraffe raises his head through the roof and enjoys the view. As the stock car approaches the tell-tales, the giraffe ducks to stay out of harm's way. Add this favorite to your Postwar collection!
This car is made exclusively for the LCCA by Lionel in beautiful Erie Lackawanna livery. It matches the Erie Lackawanna walking brakeman car sold in 2021 by the LCCA.
The LCCA Giraffe Car is full of action and special priced for members at $119, shipping included. Members can buy as many as- they want. You can call the business office during regular business hours at the number 815-223-0115 or go to the LCCA website store LCCA Store and order yours right now.
This new LCCA Giraffe Car is in stock and shipping NOW for FREE!.
New SP Black Widow Set
The LCCA is proud to introduce its next Lionel Train Set offering. Our last train set, a freight set (the Texas Special) was introduced in 2013 and was quickly sold out. Additional cars were added to this set for a few years.
This new set is an SP Black Widow FT Diesel with three passenger cars, all painted in the Black Widow livery paint scheme. The Black Widow design has been celebrated as one of the best, yet it lasted only for a few years, It did require 4 individual paint colors (black, orange, red, and silver) and required considerable masking to get right, consuming lots of time and money.
This set is full of great Lionel features like LionChief, Bluetooth, Railsound, Lionel Voice Control and more. It will be produced in a single run, not to be reproduced. The SKU 2401200 has been assigned, and the set is offered exclusively through the LCCA Store.
This car is based on the postwar Lionel 6416 boat carrier offered between 1961 and 1963. The boats on the 6416 came in white hulls with blue tops and red hulls with white tops. The boats for this car will come in a Lionel clamshell so you will have the opportunity to load the car yourself.
The Lionel number for this car is 2401230. The separate four-pack of boats has the Lionel number 2230120.
This boxcar has all the features you expect from Lionel and the LCCA. This car is limited to one per member. Quantities are very limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Drive-in Theater for your Layout Lionelville Citizens
Jun 6, 2024, 23:12
LCCA member Pat Cudzilo (RM 33893) has built a functional drive-in theater on his layout and shows us how to do the same. For those of us old enough to remember some really pleasant evenings spent with our friends at the drive-in, Patrick's recreation is really a fair representation (if proportionally condensed) of the real thing.
Title :Drive-in Theater for your Layout Lionelville Citizens
Sort Order :7
LCCA member Pat Cudzilo (RM 33893) has built a functional drive-in theater on his layout and shows us how to do the same. For those of us old enough to remember some really pleasant evenings spent with our friends at the drive-in, Patrick's recreation is really a fair representation (if proportionally condensed) of the prototype. For those of us from Northwest Chicago, the go-to drive-in was the 53 Outdoor Theater. Patrick calls his drive-in the Y&W Drive-in Movie Theater, a real 3 screen drive-in located near his home in Northwest Indiana, gone years ago but now reborn on his home layout.
The entry gate, the refreshment stand, the outdoor speakers (later ones with self contained heaters for cooler weather), playground for the kids, projection house and all that goes with it are represented in this model. Smaller, cheaper electronics offers a reasonable correctly proportioned screen. And with the right cables and connections, actual movies can stream real time to offer a wide variety of subjects, from blockbusters, to cartoons, to even YouTube railroad highlights.
To look at Patrick's drive-in article as he wrote it in the October 2020 TLR with pictures and more - Click Here
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Drive-in Theater for your Layout Lionelville Citizens
Jun 6, 2024, 23:12
LCCA member Pat Cudzilo (RM 33893) has built a functional drive-in theater on his layout and shows us how to do the same. For those of us old enough to remember some really pleasant evenings spent with our friends at the drive-in, Patrick's recreation is really a fair representation (if proportionally condensed) of the real thing.
Title :Drive-in Theater for your Layout Lionelville Citizens
Sort Order :7
LCCA member Pat Cudzilo (RM 33893) has built a functional drive-in theater on his layout and shows us how to do the same. For those of us old enough to remember some really pleasant evenings spent with our friends at the drive-in, Patrick's recreation is really a fair representation (if proportionally condensed) of the prototype. For those of us from Northwest Chicago, the go-to drive-in was the 53 Outdoor Theater. Patrick calls his drive-in the Y&W Drive-in Movie Theater, a real 3 screen drive-in located near his home in Northwest Indiana, gone years ago but now reborn on his home layout.
The entry gate, the refreshment stand, the outdoor speakers (later ones with self contained heaters for cooler weather), playground for the kids, projection house and all that goes with it are represented in this model. Smaller, cheaper electronics offers a reasonable correctly proportioned screen. And with the right cables and connections, actual movies can stream real time to offer a wide variety of subjects, from blockbusters, to cartoons, to even YouTube railroad highlights.
To look at Patrick's drive-in article as he wrote it in the October 2020 TLR with pictures and more - Click Here